CFN Students holding 2018 balloons

Check out CFN’s new PATH video

We’ve been busy at CFN filming various videos about some of the services we offer. Here is the latest one which features the PATH planning process. Enjoy.

CFN Students learning how to write

Some Useful Assistive Apps

There are some useful apps available to assist you if you need help when you are alone. All of these apps are simple to use and can give you some confidence when you need to be alone for short or extended … Read more

Siblings Australia – A resource for siblings and families.

Siblings Australia (SA) is an information and support service for siblings of a family member with chronic conditions including disability. It is widely recognised that for many siblings, where a family member has a chronic condition including disability, there can be … Read more

Make your web browsing more accessible

Do you have difficulty accessing some of the websites out there? If so, you might find the BBC’s, My Web my way guide useful. This guide is packed with advice and help on accessibility features and assistive technologies, all of which … Read more