Plan Management gives participants the opportunity to purchase items and supports from suppliers, even if the supplier is not registered with the NDIA.   CFN will look after all your invoices, without the hassle of having to co-ordinate invoices and payments yourself.

Having your NDIS package financially plan managed through CFN provides the following benefits to participants and their families.

  • The ability to purchase any type of support or item, when it has been incorporated in an individual’s NDIS plan.
  • No need to worry about paying invoices, this is all processed on your behalf by our experienced administration team.
  • You don’t have to engage in CFN Association’s services and supports, to access the Plan Management service.
  • Quick and easy set up either in person, over the phone or by email.
  • Flexibility to oversee what invoices are being paid before they are processed.
  • Access to an experienced Plan Manager who has extensive knowledge of the NDIS pricing guide and can assist with pricing queries.
  • And most importantly, we have a track record of paying invoices within 2 business days.