There are some useful apps available to assist you if you need help when you are alone. All of these apps are simple to use and can give you some confidence when you need to be alone for short or extended periods of time.
ICE (In Case of an Emergency) is an application for your mobile device which enables first responders to contact next of kin in case of an emergency. You can download the app on iTunes here and Google Play here
Alerts Designed specifically for people with hearing impairments. Alerts will keep you informed, including emergency announcements, where ever you are, by sending you text messages. You can download on iTtunes here of Google Play here
Mag Light. This app is a digital magnifier which transforms your iPhone or iPad into a magnifying glass. I’ve used this myself, great for magnifying small text. You can download the app on iTunes here or Google Play here.
TV Louder This is another app I’ve used and it does keep the peace if you need the volume up louder than other people watching TV with you. You use this app with headphones and it turns your phone or tablet into a TV headphone set. This allows you to control the volume of your headphones rather than on your TV. You can download the app on iTunes here
Be My Eyes. This is a brilliant idea. It is an iPhone app (android app coming soon) that lets people with visual impairment contact a network of sighted volunteers for help with live video chat. For example, if a person wants to know if a food item has expired they can show the sighted volunteer the item via the camera on their device and the volunteer can read it back to the visually impaired person. You can download the app here.